
Marija Gođevac & Dragomir Bratić – “BG piano duo” (Serbia – Srbija)

Tuesday, OCTOBER 25 – Utorak, 25. oktobar

Marija Gođevac & Dragomir Bratić – “BG piano duo” (Serbia – Srbija)

City Hall of Subotica, 7 pm – Velika većnica Gradske kuće, 19.00


Marija Gođevac & Dragomir Bratić – “BG piano duo” (Serbia)

The BG piano duo, Marija Gođevac and Dragomir Bratić, pianists and piano pedagogues, have been engaged in chamber music all their musical life, but they have been part of the BG duo for three years. So far, they have held over 30 concerts in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Russia. As a duo, they were trained with Natalia Trul at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. Their repertoire covers a wide range of time, with an emphasis on the works of Russian composers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and contemporary Serbian composers.

They are the winners of the competitions:
International Moscow Music Competition 2021 (Russia), Danubia Talents International Music Competition 2020 (Hungary), International Competition L. van Beethoven 2019 (Austria).

Tonight’s concert is called „CIRCLE“ because the pianists Gođevac and Bratić met in Subotica, 25 years ago, although they are both originally from Šabac, now they live in Belgrade and work as piano teachers and chamber music teachers at the Music School „Davorin Jenko“. For these pianists, the circle represents the perfection of continuous movement, musical research, but also returning to the beginning and resetting their musical being.

Marija Gođevac & Dragomir Bratić – “BG klavirski duo” (Srbija)

BG klavirski duo čine Marija Gođevac i Dragomir Bratić, pijanisti i klavirski pedagozi. Čitav svoj muzički život se bave i kamernim muziciranjem, ali u sastavu Bg dua postoje tri godine. Do sada su održali preko 30 koncerata u Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Mađarskoj i Rusiji. Kao duo usavršavali su se kod Natalije Trul na Kontervatorijumu „Čajkovski“ u Moskvi. Njihov repertoar je velikog vremenskog dijapazona, sa akcentom na dela ruskih kompozitora devetnaestog i dvadesetog veka i savremene srpske kompozitore.

Pobednici su takmičenja:
– „International Moscow Music Competition“ 2021. (Rusija)
– „Danubia Talents International Music Competition“ 2020.
– „International Competition L. van Beethoven“ 2019.

Večerašnji koncert nosi naziv „KRUG“ jer su se pijanisti Gođevac i Bratić upoznali upravo u Subotici iako su oboje poreklom iz Šapca, a sada sa stalnom adresom u Beogradu kao profesori klavira i kamerne muzike u Muzičkoj školi „Davorin Jenko“. Krug za ove pijaniste predstavlja savršenstvo neprekidnog kretanja, muzičkog istraživanja, ali i vraćanja na početke i resetovanja njihovog muzičkog bića.

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