Aleksandar Sinčuk & Vladimir Milošević
Aleksandar Sinčuk i Vladimir Milošević iz Rusije i Srbije, nastupiće u Koncertnoj sali Muzičke škole Subotica u ponedeljak 4. decembra s početkom u 19.00 časova. Koncertni program činiće dela Sergeja Rahmanjinova. Ulaz na koncert je slobodan.
Aleksandar Sinčuk danas svira u najznačajnijim muzičkim dvoranama širom Evrope i sveta.
Rođen je 1988. godine u Rusiji, školovao se u Moskvi, a usavršavao na Univerzitetu Južne Kalifornije.
Sarađivao je s brojnim uglednim orkestrima i nastupao pod vođstvom proslavljenih dirigenata kao što su Dmitrij Jurovski, Valerij Gergijev, Valerij Poljanski, Maksim Eškenazi, Uroš Lajovic i mnogi drugi.
Održao je nekoliko svetskih turneja: u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, s Moskovskim simfonijskim radio orkestrom i maestrom Aleksejem Kornijenkom, zatim u Španiji s Nacionalnim filharmonijskim orkestrom Rusije i maestrom Vladimirom Spivakovom i skoro dvomesečnu turneju po gradovima Kine sa preko 20 solističkih koncerata.
Godine 2021. završio je doktorske studije na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, gde je danas zaposlen u zvanju vanrednog profesora.
Alexander Sinchuk, piano
“… A bright, emotional, powerful pianist. Along with these mighty qualities he does not lose exquisite,soulful lyricism. His style resembles that of Sergei Rachmaninoff. Alexander is captured by Rachmaninoff’s ideas, feels and understands them perfectly. Sinchuk leaves the impression of an intellectual pianist…”
Yuri Danilin, “Literaturnaya Gazeta”
Many critics and professional musicians emphasize the significant merits of Alexander Sinchuk as one of the most outstanding pianists of his generation. His performing style is characterised by aspiration in “a wide range of possibilities, width of melodic breathing, precision of the rhythm”, “subtle, sensitive lyricism”, “elegant, clear, noble sound”, “rich virtuosity and technical glow”, “bright artistic temperament and particular charm.“ His performance of Rachmaninoff’s works is considered to be a high standard.
Alexander Sinchuk, Doctor of Musical Arts, professor of piano at Belgrade University of Arts (Serbia), was born in the town of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai in Russia. In 2002 he was admitted to the Central Music School at Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. As a student of the Central Music School, Alexander Sinchuk won several international and all-Russian competitions, became a scholar of the “New Name” Foundation, the program sponsored by the president of the Russian Federation “Young Talents”, Vladimir Spivakov’s International Charity Foundation. He began performing extensively throughout Russia as well as abroad. Ever since he has been active giving concerts both in Russia and abroad even during his studies at the Moscow State Conservatory and during postgraduate studies. During his conservatory years Alexander Sinchuk became a laureate of many prestigious piano competitions. Among others there are the First Prize at the IV Rachmaninoff International Competition (2008 – Moscow, Russia) and the Gold medal at the IX International Competition for Young Pianists in memory of Vladimir Horowitz (2012 – Kiev, Ukraine).
In 2014, Alexander Sinchuk completed the prestigious Artist Diploma program with honors at the USC Thornton School of Music in Los Angeles, USA, in the class of Daniel Pollack, the world-famous pianist. In February 2009, Alexander Sinchuk successfully debuted at the Carnegie Hall (New York). In 2010 the pianist gave 37 concerts during a large tour around the United States. In the same year, the first solo album of Alexander Sinchuk containing masterpieces of Russian composers (Tchaikovsky, Scriabin, Rachmaninoff), was recorded at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. In 2013 he performed all concertos by Sergei Rachmaninoff in two evenings, with the Moscow City Symphony “Russian Philharmonic” under conductor Dmitry Jurowski, completing the anniversary celebration dedicated to the composer.
Alexander Sinchuk cooperates with many symphony orchestras, including Mariinsky Orchestra, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, Moscow City Symphony “Russian Philharmonic”, Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt, Sofia National Philharmonic Orchestra, and performes with numerous renowned conductors such as Vladimir Spivakov, Dmitry Jurowski, Valery Gergiev, Vyacheslav Redia, Djordje Pavlovic, Dmitry Vasiliev, Felix Korobov, Fabio Mastrangelo, Nikolai Djadjura, Aleksej Kornienko, Anatoly Levin, Valery Polanski, Maxim Eshkenazy, Urosh Layovic, Bojan Sudjic, Howard Griffiths etc.
Pijanista Vladimir Milošević nastupa širom Evrope i sveta. Pobeda na konkursu „Concerti in Villa“ u Vičenci donela mu je nastup u čuvenom njujorškom Karnegi holu. Kao solista, svirao je s nizom sjajnih orkestara, među kojima su i s filharmonije iz Kejptauna i Johanesburga, Beogradska filharmonija, Simfonijski orkestar Radio-televizije Srbije, Filharmonija „Kvazulu Natal“ iz Durbana, Orkestar praške opere, Simfonijski orkestar Teatra „Olimpico“ i Simfonijski orkestar grada Volongonga. Redovno nastupa i u kamernim formacijama i to s eminentnim solistima, kao što su Stefan Milenković, Dragan Đorđević, Roman Simović, Dmitrij Prokofjev, Janoš Balint, Dejan Gavrić, na festivalima u Rusiji, Sloveniji, Italiji, Belgiji, Srbiji.
Dobitnik je više nagrada na prestižnim konkursima u Poljskoj, SAD-u, Australiji, Italiji i Francuskoj.
Vladimir Milošević je diplomirao i magistrirao, u klasi prof. Nevene Popović na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, gde je danas redovni profesor na katedri za klavir.
Vladimir Milošević
Established as the formost pianist of his generation, Vladimir Milošević had his debut recital at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York in 2005. He has been proclaimed the Rising Artist by the New York Concert Artists & Associates and he featured with NYCA Symphony Orchestra at Merkin Concert Hall in New York City in 2014. He performed in Salle Cortot in Paris, Steinway hall in London, Konzerthaus Berlin, Salle Foerster in Prague, Konzerthaus in Vienna, Man Auditorium in Tel Aviv, Herkulessaal in Munich, Kennedy Centar in Washington, Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg but also throughout Italy, France, Poland, Lithuania, United States of America, Australia, Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa etc.
Vladimir started to play piano in his native town Leskovac under Prof. Mila Veljković. He graduated from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade with Prof. Nevena Popović and finished postgraduate studies in the same class. Specialist studies in Italy followed at the renowned academy Incontri col Maestro in Imola with Lazar Berman and Michel Dalberto..
Very active as a chamber musician, Vladimir performed with many outstanding soloists such as Stefan Milenković, Roman Simović, Dragan Đorđević, Dmitry Prokofiev, János Bálint, Dejan Gavrić, David Griffiths etc. He is also a member of a well established Corda piano trio along with violinist Una Stanić and cellist Nemanja Stanković. He performed Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Belgrade Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Cape Town and Johannesbourg Philharmonics, Kwazulu Natal Symphony, Orchestra of the Prague Opera, Porto Alegre Symphony Orchestra, Porto Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra del Teatro Olimpico, Wollongong Symphony Orchestra, Pomeranian Philharmonic, Orchestre symphonique de Bretagne, Suzhou Chinese orchestra etc.
Vladimir is prizewinner of many competitions in France, Poland, USA, Australia, Italy. He recorded many times for TV stations in Japan, Brazil, Canada, Poland.
Vladimir Milošević is a full professor of piano at the Faculty of music, University of Arts in Belgrade.